What Does an Anxiety Therapist Do and How Effective Are They?

I’m Allan Kelly, a BACP senior accredited counsellor and integrative anxiety therapist. A therapist helping you with your anxiety will listen carefully and without judgement to all your problems, difficulties, worries, concerns, issues and hang-ups.

Smiling anxiety therapist Allan Kelly with grey hair and red tartan scarf.

A trained, experienced therapist may well have heard about and worked with all the things you tell him or her. They will not faze him. He will suggest ways of looking at things differently and changing some of the things you do and how you do them. He might also try and explore with you where these problems have come from so you have greater insight and awareness about yourself and how you feel.

An anxiety therapist will help you with mechanisms and strategies to better understand and manage your anxiety. If you are struggling with anxiety, consider seeking the help of an anxiety therapist. He or she can provide valuable support and guidance to help you manage your anxiety and improve your overall wellbeing. Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength and it is never too late to ask for support. It’s never too late to be happy!

How effective is therapy for anxiety?

Drawing of head with curly arrows coming out of it, symbolising talking to an anxiety therapist

Research has shown that most people find talking about their anxiety to a trained impartial, non-judgemental therapist helps. The vast majority of people experience a feeling of unloading and letting go. Some people experience a really positive impact after only one session of talking therapy. As a very experienced therapist I have found that talking therapy can be very effective in helping with anxiety.

People seeking professional therapeutic help have a greater chance of managing their anxiety in the long term, helping to alleviate the negative impact it has on their daily lives. Overall, therapy can be an invaluable tool in managing anxiety and improving overall wellbeing.

What do you talk about in therapy for anxiety?

Stick man pushing ball with 'anxiety,' symbolising struggling with anxiety

In therapy for anxiety, you talk about anything and everything that is concerning you, your symptoms, triggers and experiences. Your therapist will not judge you and will not be fazed by whatever you tell him because he will probably have heard about the same difficulties before. In fact, it may surprise you how common and even typical some of the things you are feeling really are.

Sometimes your therapist will raise a particular point himself but generally it’s your therapy, so you decide whatever you wish to bring. This is a unique situation where it's 50 minutes once a week just for you, only for you and all about you. That is very special, time and space just for you.

Remember that therapy is a process and progress can take time but with the help of a trained, qualified and experienced professional you can learn to manage your anxiety and live a more comfortable and fulfilled life. If you are struggling with anxiety please seek help and talk to a professional about your concerns and work on alleviating your symptoms and understanding them.

How long does therapy take for anxiety to work?

Illustration: Woman anxious, thread pulled from head, symbolising relief through anxiety therapist's support

The time it takes for therapy to work for anxiety varies from person to person and can range from one session to a few years.

Some people feel an improvement after only one session of therapy for anxiety. For other people therapy for anxiety can take a few weeks, a few months and sometimes a few years. It really depends on how long the problems have been around, how severe they are and what they are. You and your therapist will know when the time is right to end.

Ultimately, the length of therapy for anxiety depends on individual factors such as the severity of symptoms, commitment to treatment, willingness to engage in therapy, and the quality of the therapeutic relationship. Some people can experience improvement in their anxiety symptoms very quickly but it may require long-term therapy to maintain their progress.

How often should you see a therapist for anxiety?

Usually, sessions for anxiety are weekly and if possible at the same time on the same day each week. This is your time, time ring-fenced just for you. This is a unique space and time where the focus is on you. Remember that your sessions are for you, so you can learn more about yourself and become more self aware.

When you are feeling more stable and more in control, managing your anxiety well, you may choose to decrease to explore other features in your life post past and present. Often the origins of anxiety can be way back in your past. Recent research has shown that it can even go back to your time in your mother’s womb.

Anxiety can greatly impact your daily life, but remember, you are not alone in this journey and with the right support, you can find ways to manage your anxiety and lead the life you want.

Take your first step today. Schedule a consultation with me.